Saturday centus- The End

Its a really really busy time for me- KPI's to meet, hyperactive baby, etc. So blogging has taken a backseat. But I just couldn't resist Jenny's prompt. It was way too challenging to here I go:

‘The End’

The movie was over

“Do you wanna go home?”

“It’ll be empty”

“She’s enjoying at university”


And they sat for another show


Jo said...

I can imagine the feeling ... wonderful post!

Mehnaz said...

'Profound' is the word !!!!

Nasreen said...

Thanks guys...I can already see myself in that position :-(

Judie said...

Ah, yes! The bittersweet memories! Good take on the prompt.

Lynn said...

Aw, some take it harder than others:@)

Susan Anderson said...

I know that empty nest feeling!

(though I've since made a very good recovery)


Bookie said...

Great empty nest scene.

cj Schlottman said...

You made me feel as though I were sitting behind you in the theater and could see the backs of your heads in silhouette against the screen! I agree with Sue. There is life after the empty nest. You just have to go out and grab it.


cj Schlottman said...

You made me feel as though I were sitting behind you in the theater and could see the backs of your heads in silhouette against the screen! I agree with Sue. There is life after the empty nest. You just have to go out and grab it.


Nonna said...

Great job ! It is hard to let go but if you have a wonderful relationship and keep it strong, fun and happy, when they leave the nest, it's just you two again, like it was at the beginning !

BTW, I'd like to know where there's a movie you can see twice in the same theater on the same day without paying again !

Unknown said...

Great snatch of conversation that says alot about being an empty-nester.
Well done.
Best wishes,
Miss O'Hara's Last Words" SC wk 57

Jenny said...

You pefectly captured 'empty nest' in this little gem of a story.

I know this feeling. For me, it has never gone away.

I'm impressed that you captured so much in only 25 words!