Saturday Centus

Was quite kicked about the prompt. The story below is partially true. I told my husband with a letter that read somewhat like this.

It had been 3 days. She was acting quite strange. ‘Is it an affair?” he wondered. Why else would she be smiling, giggling and talking to herself?

The house was still when he walked in. And then he saw the letter. “She’s left,” he thought, picking it up with trembling hands, preparing himself for the worst. It read

Ted, howdy mate? Just wanted to let you know its dark and cozy here. Am really liking it. But don’t worry, I’ll be with you shortly. Love, your 5-week old baby.

She jumped out saying “Surprise, I am pregnant.”


cj Schlottman said...

I love this creative take on a tricky prompt. I could see the look on his face as he read the letter! Great Centus!


Susan Anderson said...

Aw, this is cute!


Rek Sesh said...

This is great...I loved and imagined the baby literally screaming out....

Jo said...

awwwwe! what a terrific take on the prompt, what a great little letter!!!!

Judie said...

How totally clever and funny! I loved it!!

Tgoette said...

Awesome post! What guy wouldn't want to be told like this! Love it!

Nasreen said...

Thank you real life it took my husband almost five minutes and 10 re-reads to actually realize what the letter meant..."oh you are pregnant" he finally said!

Sharon said...

What a happy surprise! Love this take on the prompt!

Jenny said...

This makes me want to get pregnant just so I can do this cool letter idea!

What a clever use of the prompt.

This really made me smile. Thanks for sharing it.